Quitting Tobacco: You Can Do It!

Do you smoke or use chewing tobacco? Rarely a day goes by without a magazine, newspaper, or TV news report carrying the message about tobacco- related medical problems- the dangers of lung disease, cancer, heart problems and low-birth weight babies. Perhaps you tune out these messages because do don't want to quit just yet- or you think you can't.

Tobacco's negative effects on the body, particularly the mouth are well documented. Smoking impairs the body's defense mechanism and make users more susceptible to infections like gum disease. Smoking also interfers with healing, a particular problem for patients who need treatment for periodontal disease. Once the ingredients in tabacco get into the bloodstream, they reduce the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to mouth tissues.

Chewing tabacco is not a safe substitute for smoking. It can cause oral cancer and lead to addiction. The bloodstream quickly absorbs the extremely addictive nicotine. Chewing tobacco users have similar or even higher levels of nicotine than the smoker who uses a pack or more a day. Chewing tobacco users are more susceptible to tooth decay due to the product's higher sugar content. And, chewing tobacco contains at least 28 know cancer causing chemicals.

It is no secret that tobacco use is difficult to stop- it takes willpower and determination. Tobacco use is not just a habit but an addiction. Remind yourself of the benefits of quitting. You'll reduce the risk of cancer. You'll taste and enjoy food again. Your sense of smell will be sharper.

If you are ready to quit, ask us- WE ARE READY TO HELP YOU SUCEED!

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Greenbay Family Dental
Jacob Steven Lewis, DMD

North Chicago Dentists at Greenbay Family Dental are dedicated to family dentistry such as Exams, Teeth Whitening, Veneers and more. We are looking forward to your visit to our North Chicago, Illinois dental office.

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